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  • អ៊ីមែល :

The barriers to accessing health care are wide ranging and numerous. One of the most common is the financial burden or unavailability of transport to health centers or hospitals. Coordinating with Health Center Management Committees, RACHA established an emergency transport system. The community emergency referral system is a vital intervention to assist those in need to access the health services required. The most under served populations now can access lifesaving health services more readily. The referral system contracts local vehicle owners to provide transportation to health facilities in emergencies, particularly to support pregnant women to deliver at health facilities. In addition, the referral system serves the most destitute patients living in remote areas to access quality health services in cases of emergencies.

The referral system is designed to be self-sustaining program supported by local community members. Funding for the program is collected from charity boxes established in temples and commune offices. The community donates money to support the referral system. Additional funds come from the local resources, such as the commune and the health center budget. The referral system is growing and expanding with innovative and sustainable funding mechanisms in mind.