Sun Nasy, MD
Sun Nasy, experience: Over 33 years with both government, NGO and donor institution: 10 years at National Center for Tuberculosis Control (CENAT) as Chief of laboratory; 20 years at RACHA, held several posts: initially as Provincial Coordinator, Team Leader, Community Program Manager, Deputy Executive Director and Program Implementation Advisor. 2009, Short Term Team Leader of GFA Muskoka project to strengthen signal functions management and service delivery at EmoNC Health Facilities. Feb 26, 2018, Short Term Consultant of World Bank to strengthen implementation of Health Equity and Quality Improvement Project, H-EQIP (New MoH strategy 2016-2021) as a certified assessor to provide inputs/ feedback for the ex-ante and ex-post verification in different assessments. 2019, work on component 3 of H-EQIP: Ensuring Sustainable and Responsive Health System to strengthen the MoH’s systems and support the management of the project. This includes a mix of regular investment lending approaches and results-based financing, using Disbursement Linked Indicators (DLIs). The DLI-7: provides quality cervical cancer screening and treatment (CCS&T) services.