Lacking in material and human resources, health workers in Cambodia nonetheless strive to provide adequate services to their communities. With a developing health system, the need for health system strengthening through effective capacity building is absolutely necessary to ensure quality health staff at all levels. The Health System Strengthening (HSS) department works to support the Ministry of Health at the health center, district, provincial and national levels. Health System Strengthening also places strong emphasis on training, performance improvement, assessment, and detailed follow through to ensure the success of their programs.
Through close collaboration with the community, RACHA identifies the pressing needs of health centers in rural villages. Once the main problems are identified, RACHA trains health center staff to ameliorate shortcomings and address pertinent concerns within the community's own framework. The health center staff then continues to train key actors at the community level for further dissemination. After training, RACHA staff monitors improvement at the health centers through community-based research to ensure quality of the trainings and practice. To motivate health centers and communities to strive for continual quality improvement, RACHA engages the communities in healthy competitions based on performance. HSS is a cornerstone in bolstering the developing health system to ensure quality knowledge and services.