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The ultimate goal of quality improvement is to create positive practices change by health service providers. RACHA is one of the leading organizations closely working with the Ministry of Health to ensure that health facilities meet the national standards for quality health services. In order to assess the performance of the health facilities, RACHA closely examines the quality of the HC management and services, the referral system, and the satisfaction of the client. RACHA's quality improvement programs focus on:

National QI Assessment Tool: 

RACHA supports and collaborates with the national guidelines to implement the national QI assessment tool at health facilities. Over the years, RACHA has assisted the Ministry of Health (MoH) in developing QI tools according to MoH national policy. RACHA has provided technical assistance to health facilities to help them implement QI activities and support assessment at HC level. Health facilities undergo routine, frequent and thorough QI assessments to ensure the adequate and accessible management, services, resources, and hygiene.

Health Center Hygiene: 

RACHA developed the Health Center Hygiene Model with the theme "Hygiene for All",to establish an accessible accountability tool fostering good hygiene.

hss-hygieneThis model's aim is to make positive behavioral changes among health care providers and the community by increasing and reinforcing the standards of cleanliness and hygiene at the health center. A few key activities include Hygiene Day, an event that brings the community together to collectively clean the health center and surrounding areas. Prior to the event, key actors in the community gather to develop an action plan outlining feasible solutions, resources, and responsibilities to achieve adequate health center hygiene. As health facilities in Cambodia progress forward, hygiene mechanisms are crucial to instill in routine procedures to establish solid hygienic practices for the future.

Infection Prevention and Control (IP&C): 
With a health system working to establish core and essential guidelines, an important focus component is infection prevention and control. The objective is to improve the health center's quality of health services by reducing contamination at health center facilities. This program, along with the Health Center Hygiene, is designed to improve the quality of public health services at primary facilities. RACHA works closely with health professionals to provide basic, yet vital, infection prevention technics, such as critical hand washing, effective sterilization, and proper handling of testing samples.