RACHA has sustained its efforts to promote the link of HIV/AIDS continuum of prevention, care and treatment in maternal, newborn and child health through a linked response approach. In addition to Community Home Based Care and Opportunistic Infections/Anti-retroviral services, RACHA has also been working to support voluntary confidential counseling and testing, prevention of mother to child transmission and sexually transmitted infection management in all five target provinces.
Preventive program
Behavior change activities are another key component of HIV/AIDS prevention, in which RACHA implements and supports HIV education, integrated into its many maternal, newborn, and child health activities. Using innovative and creative approaches, RACHA works in the communities to raise awareness and educate families through comedy shows, health promotions, health contests, and health education sessions. Led by village volunteers through the support of RACHA staff, these activities are well attended and growing in popularity, drawing in crowds by the hundreds.
A woman enrolled in RACHA's HBC program in Smach MeanChey, Koh Kong.
Community Home-Based Care (HBC)
Once diagnosed with HIV/AIDS, patients face a life threatening disease that not only deprives them of health, but also attacks the wellbeing of the patient and his or her family. RACHA works to serve the patients comprehensively. A network of RACHA staff and community volunteers work to support patients with all aspects of the disease, including medical, social, and economic struggles. Community Home-Based Care (HBC) remains an important service and plays a vital role providing counseling on drug use and checks for antiretroviral drug adherence, creating a supportive home environment for the peers of AIDS patients, providing food aid support, providing access to a referral network, and providing effective HIV/AIDS reproductive health and family planning advice and increased awareness.
In addition, RACHA stimulates interventions of saving groups, IGA, and feasible micro-enterprise development through SSGs once their capacity and structure are able to work well enough. This will also link PLHIV and OVC families to access financial services at available micro finance institutions in order to assist with developing and improving their income activities. Once the families have sources to earn money, they then can support themselves in their daily basic needs.